Sunday, March 16, 2008

Clayton Rogers is Here!

Randy's sister, Gina, had a baby boy today! Gina and her husband, Trey, live in Athens, Texas, so they are a few hours away from us. Unfortunately, we weren't able to be there today to see little Clayton James Rogers come into the world, but he certainly had an audience. Trey's mom, grandmother, and brother along with Gina's parents were all there to see the little guy. Randy and I will be there next weekend and I promise to get some pictures and post them for you all to envy! :)

Speaking of children, my friend Lisa and her husband Justin, from Tulsa, are traveling today to Vladivostok, Russia, to get their little boy. They have had such a roller coaster of a ride working out this adoption that we are all so thankful that they will be there to bring him home. If you are interested in reading her story, you can visit their blog here. Pray for Lisa and Justin to have a very safe and exciting time while bringing Wyatt to his new home!

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