Friday, August 29, 2008

My Birthday Week!

Well, my birthday week is officially over. :(

It was a good one though, even if I say so myself. It started on Friday night with dinner at Lindsay's mom's house. Brig made a wonderful meal of beef tenderloin and creamed spinach and artichoke. That was also the first night that we got to meet Lindsay's new "friend", Lance. Hands down, we love him! Hope he hangs around a while -wink, wink Lindz- so we can all get to know him better. Then on Saturday night, my Dad had a birthday party for me at his house. If you know my dad's side of the family then you know there isn't much we don't throw a party for. So, of course, the whole bunch turned up and made it a really great time. Then, on my actual birthday, which was Thursday, my boss took our team to The Gas Light for happy hour. Maybe I should say happy hourS. Chad, Beth and Lindsay joined us and we stayed a little later than happy hour was probably intended. My birthday week is coming to an end with a weekend of tailgating for the first Tech football game. I guess if it has to end, this is a good way to end it!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic Fever

Well, it's here. Olympic fever has hit me full blown. I don't know why, but for a few weeks every four years I just get so excited about sports that I never even give a second thought to the other three plus years in between. Maybe it's just the thrill of watching our US team competing and winning on a world stage that suddenly makes fencing interesting. Did you know that there is a sport called Hand Ball? It's really kind of silly, but I watched it this morning. We didn't get any USA Hand Ball medals, but I still sat glued to it. And, then the table tennis and badminton is just so ridiculous. The ping pong teams actually had a substitute ready to spring into action in a moments notice if the need should arise. They took themselves so serious that you had to laugh. But, swimming on the other hand, was just exciting to the very end. We never hear about any swim meets until the Olympics, but this year has to have made an impression on anyone with a television set. And congratulations to our girls gymnastics teams. I thought they all competed with real heart! By the way, who really believes that any members of the Chinese team are really 16? Who do they think they are fooling? That's just bad sportsmanship if you ask me. But, they didn't ask me, so I guess the competition will go on. Oops, got to go! Track is starting and I want to see our three ladies compete against the three Jamaican women in the 100M sprint. GO USA!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

So, They Had Me Going For a Minute...

Have you seen this? I saw the commercial and thought no way that's real. So, I checked out the website. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen! Turns out, this website, and the two others you will find on there are all part of a very elaborate advertising campaign for a new series to start on HBO in September. Well "Bravo!" HBO, you got me!