Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh Boy! Oh Boy!

We found out yesterday that we are expecting two precious little boys! I had a feeling all along that it was boys. It took the girl doing the ultrasound all of about 30 seconds to determine that they were both boys. See the pictures below for yourself. It's pretty obvious! Now that we know what they are, we can start working on ideas for the nursery and names. I think the name part is the hardest because we keep changing our minds.


amy kate said...

How exciting!!!!! Boys are super fun!!! I hope atleast one of them has great curly hair like their momma!!!!

Jen said...

Oh how exciting! You need to check out this website...

Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing! My spirits were so uplifted after talking to you today. I am so excited about the newest boys in your life! Continue to post when you can...

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you!!! Two boys will be so much fun! Keep us posted on your progress- you guys are (have been) in our prayers throughout this exciting time.