Friday, February 23, 2007

A Few Updates

Here's the latest note from HR:
Tim will have surgery on his ring finger on Monday. No plans have been made to remove the middle finger yet. Tim thinks he will go back to California next week. The hospital in California at Balboa can monitor his condition as well as Bethesda. He will fly back to Bethesda when the amputation is scheduled. No other news. He is doing better that expected. Thanks HR

Tim has had a couple of surgeries already on the first and third finger of his left hand. The bone in his middle finger has been shattered, with the tendons and ligament completely gone. The doctors said that after 8-10 surgeries using cadaver bones they may be able to have the finger working again, but they couldn't guarantee it. They recommended that it be removed and Tim has decided to go ahead and do that. I'm sure that was a tough decision, but he's being very mature about the whole thing. Also, Tim did get to go to the funeral of the friend that was killed in the attack he was in. HR said that was good for him because he felt some closure by being there. Tim was wheeled to the front to be next to the family. As people filed past they hugged his neck. He was a stranger to them, but his presence meant so much. It was, understandably, very emotional for him. Please keep all of these families and their circumstances in your prayers tonight.

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